聯絡窗口 : 市場開發部
聯絡電話 : 0965-278-396
電子信箱 : tm.midtown@taipeimarriott.com.tw
聯繫時間 : 每日 11:00 a.m.至 06:00 p.m.
營業時間: 11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.
停車場入口:台北市中山區敬業四路上 (33號正對面)
服務專線: (02)2175-7999 #8004
中城廣場之櫃位、餐廳消費皆不適用於累積萬豪旅享家會員點數,亦不適用台北萬豪酒店專案贈送之餐飲/ SPA扣抵券
Business Hour: 11:00-22:00
Address: No.199, Lequn 2nd Rd.,Zhongshan Dist.,Taipei City
Parking Entrance: On Jingye 3rd Rd. (Across No.33)
Business Inquiry:(02)2175-7999 #8004
Positioned as a lifestyle shopping center, it offers panoply of choices ranging from high-end lifestyle brands to fascinating gourmet cuisine. Welcome to join us in discovering exclusive shopping and dining experience.
Note: All the stores and restaurants in TM Midtown are NON-APPLICABLE to the redemption of Taipei Marriott Hotel coupons (restaurants/ SPA) and Marriott Bonvoy point earning.